CAS NO 114772-54-2 (IRBESARTÁN)

CAS NO 114772-54-2 Irbesartan

CAS NO 114772-54-2 is a unique serial number for irbesartan which is used to identify chemical substances and their mixtures correctly. This database is managed by the American Chemical Society whose main purpose is to collect information on all registered chemicals across the globe. As per the latest report by the group, there are around 250 million unique chemical substances registered in their database to date. This information forms the driving force behind most R&D initiatives across the globe. Its scientists curate the information and analyse it for future reference for a wide range of industrial applications. This information is mostly helpful to big manufacturing organisations, regulatory bodies, and medical institutions.

As a top irbesartan manufacturer in the business along with a long list of other life-saving drugs, Verdant Life Sciences takes it upon itself to ensure the information it gathers is upto date and accurate. Whether you identify the component with its serial numbers such as CAS NO 114772-54-2 or its assigned name such as irbesartan, we have sources to verify this information and ensure we use the right composition to create safe and effective drugs for those who need it the most.

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